Invited Speaker

Prof. Piotr Kielczyński

Professor Piotr Kiełczyński currently works at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IFTR) of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. He is the head of the Laboratory of Acoustoelectronics leading a team of scientists and engineers working on development and optimization of new methods and devices for scientific and industrial applications. Professor Kiełczyński graduated from Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, with his Master of Science (MSc) thesis on microwave mixers. He then completed his PhD dissertation at the IFTR (1979) developing the theory (Direct Sturm-Liouville Problem) of Love surface waves propagating on an elastic half-space with gradually changing properties (functionally graded materials - FGM) as a function of depth [1]. Professor Kiełczyński worked subsequently in applied research for Electronic industry, where he was involved in modeling of coupled electro-mechano-thermal phenomena occurring in semiconductor devices. After joining the IFTR of the PAS (1986) he focused his attention on sensor development using surface and bulk ultrasonic waves. Professor Kiełczyński defended his habilitation (higher doctorate) thesis at IFTR in Warsaw, Poland in 2000.
Professor Kiełczyński specializes in theoretical and applied ultrasonics. The domains of his research activities include: Love waves, ultrasonic waves, piezoelectricity, material characterization, high-pressure properties of liquids, phase transitions, sensor development, numerical simulations, signal processing, computer programming, mathematical modeling, and computerized instrumentation.
Professor Kiełczyński was an author and co-author of more than 100 research papers published in many prestigious scientific journals, such as Food Chemistry, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Applied Mathematical Modelling etc.. He worked as an invited scientist in many renowned Universities and research centers in Europe, USA, Canada and Japan. He holds 2 patents and served as a reviewer in many renowned scientific world-wide journals, such as Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Transactions on UFFC, Ultrasonics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, etc. Professor Kiełczyński was an author of a number of chapters in books, published in Europe and USA. He presented the results of his research in numerous international conferences. He was also invited to present a number of papers as an invited and keynote speaker.
Professor Kiełczyński is a firm believer that the success in applied research is possibly only via a sound understanding of the underlying theoretical fundamentals, both physical and mathematical. He believes that practical engineering formulas should be derived from first theoretical principles and the use of a ""black box"" approach should be limited to a necessary minimum. Professor Kiełczyński highly values interdisciplinary research, where mutual connections are drawn between many different scientific and engineering domains, such as electromagnetism, integrated optics, quantum mechanics, microwave techniques, acoustics, mechanics, solid state physics, circuit theory, signal processing, geophysics, thermodynamics, etc. A prominent example of his multidisciplinary research are his recent publications on the theory of hearing, in which he hypothesized that the extraordinary properties of the human ear can be explained by the process of parametric amplification and piezoelectric effect that may occur in human Cochlea.
Summarizing, Professor Kiełczyński was a pioneer of two new important domains of current worldwide R&D activities, i.e., investigation of the functionally graded materials, using generalized SH surface waves of the Love type, and development of the liquid (viscosity) sensors employing Love and Bleustein-Gulyaev surface waves. At present, Professor Kiełczyński works on development of new methods and techniques for data extraction from the measurements performed with Love wave sensors. To this end, he applied inverse methods in conjunction with optimization techniques [2].
Recently, Professor Kiełczyński modified conventional Auld's perturbation formula, expressing it entirely in terms of the complex power flow in Love wave waveguides loaded with a viscoelastic liquid. His latest research interest includes also applications of Love waves in sensor and biosensors with enhanced sensitivity.

1. P. Kiełczyński, , Theory of surface acoustic Love waves in non-homogeneous media,
Journal of Technical Physics, 22, 73-78, 1981
2. P. Kiełczyński, M. Szalewski, A. Balcerzak, Inverse procedure for simultaneous
evaluation of viscosity and density of Newtonian liquids from dispersion curves of
Love waves, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (2014) 044902 (7 pages)

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